Arisia TotalCon 2025: Drunk and Confused

And now for something completely different!

In an attempt to avoid detection by enemy forces, the UBS Shameless has performed what shall now be dubbed the Bhagczech Maneuver and will be docking at a new port this year! Come see us at TotalCon February 20th-23rd, 2025!

Get your game on & party with the crew!

– XO

Arisia 2021 2022 2023: We think we can! We think we can! We think we can!

Attention Arisa: The UBS Shameless has cleared quarantine and is preparing to initiate docking! Time to bunk up with your preferred mate (or any random person willing to split the cost with you) and kick off 2023 in style!

Come join us for our return to Arisia!

– XO

PopCult Anime Con 2022: Life’s a Beach

<TODO: Insert clever shenanigans here>

Party will commence in about 275 kiloseconds give or take some procrastination.

See you there!

– XO

PopCult Anime Con 2019: It’s Magick, Bitches!

As if there was any question about whether the UBS Shameless would be returning to PopCult – the 3rd most pop-y, and 17th most cult-y Anime convention on the Eastern seaboard –  suffer in uncertainty no more! We shall be there to grace your face and foist our …unique…presence onto one and all!

Magick Camp, I am told, is the theme of this year, and fortunately your humble Baroness-Commandant was able to get the special dispensation from the Amalgamated Federation of Witches, Warlocks, Spellbreakers, Arithromancers and Sorcerers she required to attend.

(You get wrapped in one unpleasant misunderstanding involving a sixteen year old princess and a room full of spinning wheels, and suddenly you’re persona non grata in the wizarding world. Sheesh!)

PopCult and Barfleet are definitely a match made in whatever particular plane of post-life existence you choose to go with, and we could not be happier to be returning. So after a long day of absolutely killing it dressed up as your favorite character, why not track us down and let us entertain you with a little magic hospitality of our own?

(Please leave all magical familiars at the door. Sorry, it’s a Commonwealth of Massachusetts thing, otherwise we’d totally be cool with it.)

-Baroness-Commandant Saotomae, R.E.D. Team


Arisia 2019: Everything Old Is New Again!

Hello Darlings! Did you miss us?

Image result for deep space 9 drinkingHave you heard the news? Thanks to an inversion in the space-time continuum caused by a breakdown in negotiations between the Ferengi Commerce Authority and  the Federation Amalgamated Guild of Hostelers and Habadashers,  Arisia will be taking place this year only at the Boston Park Plaza, a sight not seen since 2006! Oldtimers will no doubt have a warm, gushy glow in their hearts, as they return to their ancestral stomping grounds. That, or possibly warm gushiness in other parts. I mean hey, it IS that kind of con, if you know what you’re doing.

Annnnnnyhow, your favorite band of convivial bon vivants from the UBS Shameless will be there, soaking up the lively atmosphere, and otherwise staying one step ahead of the Vulcan Temperance Ministry. So if you see one of our members, usually easily spotted by their t-shirts, dog tags, or other iconic wear-ables, why not walk up and say hi! We promise you a 78.9% chance that you’ll at least live to regret the experience!

– Baroness-Commandant Saotome, R.E.D. Team

Nauticon 2018: Now with 9999% More Glitter!


Carpe deRum here! It’s almost time for the Shameless’ favorite-est con of the season. Nauticon! MAY 18-20, 2018

This year its going disco themed so I went out and bought a whole bunch of glitter to make my own disco balls. Just need to open up the bag it came in to move it to a more transportable container…. Ugh! Oh God! It’s everywhere! Ugh! It’s in my raccoon wounds! Oh God! SEND HELP. IT’S GOTTEN INTO THE INSTRUMENTATION PANELS! {áPÙ›j7cQÔvz@n3#…

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Mission Arisa 2017: Now with more slack and libations


We have made our way back to Arisia for another fun filled mission filled with slack libations and more! Did you know it’s our 10 year anniversary? That’s right we have been awash in space for 10 fucking years. That’s a long time to be flying through space dispensing libations and slack to the masses. Trust us when we say we will be around this weekend with plenty to offer and more! Keep your eyes peeled and you will find us.

– Father Xenu

Nauticon 2016: Now with 23% More Dark Matter!

Tired of the standard every day convention? Looking for something new? Then why the fuck haven’t you signed up for NAUTICON yet?!?

This is THE con to attend if you need something new and different. Nauticon falls under what we refer to around here as as a relaxacon, or a con without the con. Skip panels and rest on the beach. Wander around P-town buying useless crap and eating awesome barbecue (seriously, the captain knows a BBQ place so good you’ll forget how awesome cape cod seafood is!) Play some Beer Croquet with your con buddies. Hang out with Barfleet ALL FUCKING DAY.

There’s a reason we call this convention HOME. You should too. ‪#‎nauticon‬ Nauticons (The 21+ Convention)

– LT CdR

Nauticon 2015: Now with 87% More Debauchery!

BFNCHey kids! It’s almost time for the Shameless’ favorite-est con of the season! If you enjoy good food, good times, and drinks a-plenty, then you are no doubt familiar with the weapons-grade awesome that is Nauticon!

If not, then please immediately rectify this massive oversight in your life! Nauticon is 48 hours of 21+ geek-friendly revelry, held on the beach in P-Town, Cape Cod. In addition to all the usual panels and dealers booths, there are parties, various food and alcohol tastings, and this year, we’ll be bringing the Shameless Games, a series of events designed to test your sanity, or at least your sobriety.

It’s still not too late to unleash your personal party Kraken. May 15th to May 17th 2015! See you there!


P.S. There’s even a con-related discount on tickets for the Ferry between Boston and P-Town!

It’s that fun filled time of year once more

And that time is, of course, Arisia! One of the hottest East Coast geek conventions during the coldest Arisia_0025time of the year!

(You don’t need to leave the hotel anyhow…)

Arisia, of course, holds a near and dear place in our collective hearts, as we’ve attended over these past seven years. We’ve had some triumphs, and some tragedies, but Arisia’s sheer per-square-inch of awesome keeps us coming back. So of course we’ll be around, and no doubt you’ll have no trouble finding us, but I’ve been ask to relay some info for the upcoming events.

There may, or may not, be a booty draw, as there has, or hasn’t been, in years past. And some of the awesome things that may or may not be had include:

  • A bottle of Crystal Head Vodka, autographed by Dan Aykroyd himself. Someone had to do something with all that Kingdom of the Crystal Skull merch left over; but seriously, DADDY WANT. It also comes with skull shaped shotglasses!
  • And finally, there’s a life sized cutout of Daenerys Targaryen, who’s apparently a character from some surprisingly popular television show on cable based on some books; books apparently being things people still read. Eh, whatever you kids like, I know I personally will not judge you for whatever it is you end up doing with her (Yes, I will.)

So watch our page and watch our Twitter feed, because we’re focusing on making 2015 a great year indeed!

– Cmd. Liften “Noodles” Kherry, Executive Officer